My name is Kristen. I recently joined Heartstone Guidance Center as a second year Masters of Social Work intern. I am neurodivergent, nonbinary and have experience with polyamorous and asexual communities. I have worked with adults and children with varying support needs. I am particularly passionate about working with teens and young adults. I am familiar with working with clients with mood disorders, chronic illness, Autism, ADHD, and addiction.
Kristen Bayard, Student Intern
They Them
Clinical Therapist in Training
I have dedicated myself to helping others help themselves. I believe clients should feel seen, heard and safe. My clinical techniques include motivational interviewing, art therapy, group therapy, mindfulness, cognitive behavior therapy, and acceptance and commitment therapy. I have a decade of experience working in mental health in a variety of settings, including in home, clubhouse and residential.
In a society where we are expected to work, maintain home, friends, family etc all while dealing with political instability and increasing cost of living-it is understandable when clients come in feeling overwhelmed. Discrimination, chronic illness, lack of support, and unreasonable demands from friends and family can worsen this feeling. My hope is that clients can leave our sessions feeling better equipped to solve problems, regulate their emotions, sit with discomfort, hold boundaries and advocate for support. I prefer a lead from behind method, you are in control of your life, I'm here to support.
Thank you for taking the time to get to know me.
Kristen Bayard (They/Them)