Online Therapy

What your therapist provides:
A secure professional online office space where your therapist will not be interrupted and therapy will not be disrupted.
State of the art technology and a strong business wifi connection.
A HIPAA compliant video platform on which to meet via Simple Practice that ensures your privacy and data are kept safe.
What you will need:
A secure area where you have privacy and are comfortable for a 50-55 minute session.
If you have an iPad or phone you can download the Simple Practice App or you can use your laptop and just click on the link I send you for each session.
Strong wifi or cell phone service. Wifi works best.
A headset is helpful but not necessary.
Benefits of online therapy:
Your pets are welcome to attend.
If your kids interrupt or you have to deal with a family situation for a minute or two that is okay.
You don't have to dress up, you can be casual and relaxed.
You don't have to drive into the office, saving both time and money.
You can receive therapy services from any licensed therapist in the state of Michigan.