Lie on the floor or the ground.
Think about the ground underneath you, you are lying on the earth.
Feel the earth gently holding you.
The earth has always been there, since the beginning of time.
The earth will always be there, it is eternal.
The earth gives you so many gifts; air, water, food, animals, flowers, trees, and wind.
Say out loud or in your head "The earth will keep me safe".
Feel the heaviness as gravity gently pulls you down, holding you to the earth, and keeping you safe.
Take a deep breath of air. Slowly count to 5 as you breathe in. Feel the air filling your lungs.
The earth is breathing with you, filling your lungs with air. e
Gently release the air back to the earth and count to five again.
The earth is kind and gentle, the earth is safe. The earth is breathing with you.
Breathe in and count to five, feel the earth breathing in with you.
Breathe out slowly and count to five as the earth breaths out with you.
Breathe out your sadness, breathe out your worries.
Breathe in again, count to five, breathing in the safe calm air of the earth.
Keep breathing safely with the earth.
When your body feels calm answer the following questions.
I trust the earth to______________________________________________________
I trust my body to______________________________________________________